Top 10 Open Source Telemedicine Platforms: Delivering Care Virtually

Top 10 Open Source Telemedicine Platforms: Delivering Care Virtually

Top 10 Open Source Telemedicine Platforms: Delivering Care Virtually

Open Source Telemedicine Platforms: In the field of medicine, the present time is called the era of telemedicine. This is because the rise of telemedicine has transformed healthcare delivery, making it easier and more convenient for patients to access medical advice remotely. Open-source telemedicine platforms play a crucial role in this transformation, offering healthcare providers cost-effective and customizable solutions.

Best 10 open-source telemedicine platforms

This article explores the top 10 open-source telemedicine platforms, highlighting their key features and functionalities.

1. Tebra

Tebra boasts a comprehensive suite of features for managing medical practices. It offers functionalities like appointment scheduling, patient communication tools, and secure video conferencing. Tebra’s open-source nature allows for customization and integration with existing healthcare workflows.

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2. WebPT

While not exclusively focused on telemedicine, WebPT offers a robust platform for physical therapists. It includes features like telehealth capabilities, patient education tools, and documentation management. WebPT’s open-source architecture allows for tailoring the platform to specific physical therapy needs.

3. Medstar HIS

Medstar HIS caters to hospitals and healthcare institutions, providing a comprehensive hospital information system. It encompasses functionalities like patient record management, billing, and – you guessed it – telemedicine capabilities. Medstar HIS allows healthcare institutions to leverage open-source technology for a scalable and secure telemedicine solution.

4. HCW@Home

HCW@Home prioritizes security and scalability in telemedicine delivery. This open-source platform is designed with the specific needs of healthcare providers in mind, offering secure video conferencing, patient portals, and robust data encryption.

5. OpenEMR

While not strictly a telemedicine platform, OpenEMR is a widely used open-source electronic medical records (EMR) system. Many healthcare providers integrate OpenEMR with third-party telemedicine solutions, enabling secure patient data exchange during virtual consultations.

6. GNU Health

GNU Health is a comprehensive suite of open-source healthcare applications, including a telemedicine module. It offers features like appointment scheduling, clinical decision support tools, and secure messaging. GNU Health is a powerful option for healthcare providers seeking a fully open-source solution.

7. VSee

VSee is a popular cloud-based telemedicine platform with a free, open-source version available. It offers features like secure video conferencing, file sharing, and patient self-scheduling. VSee’s user-friendly interface makes it a good option for providers looking for a readily deployable solution.

8. Intelehealth

Intelehealth is specifically designed for resource-limited settings. This open-source telemedicine platform caters to local health workers in rural areas, facilitating remote patient care and data transmission.

9. offers a free, web-based telemedicine platform with a focus on simplicity. It allows for quick and easy virtual consultations without requiring downloads or installations. While lacking some advanced features,’s ease of use makes it a strong contender for basic telemedicine needs.

10. Chiron Health

Chiron Health is a comprehensive open-source platform that integrates telemedicine functionalities with electronic health records (EHR). It offers features like secure video conferencing, appointment scheduling, and patient portals. Chiron Health provides a user-friendly platform for managing both virtual and in-person consultations.

Choosing the Right Open-Source Telemedicine Platform

The ideal open-source telemedicine platform depends on your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors like:

  • Features and functionalities: Identify the features most crucial for your practice, such as video conferencing, patient portals, or appointment scheduling.
  • Scalability: Choose a platform that can accommodate your patient volume and potential growth.
  • Security: Ensure the platform adheres to HIPAA compliance regulations to safeguard patient data privacy.
  • Technical expertise: Evaluate the level of technical expertise required for installation, configuration, and ongoing maintenance.

Benefits of Open-Source Telemedicine Platforms

Open-source telemedicine platforms offer several advantages:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Open-source platforms eliminate licensing fees, making them a budget-friendly option for healthcare providers.
  • Customization: The open-source nature allows for customization to fit specific workflows and integrate with existing systems.
  • Security: Open-source code fosters transparency and allows for community-driven security improvements.

How to Use Open-Source Telehealth Software

The increasing popularity of telehealth has opened doors for both patients and healthcare providers. Open-source telehealth software offers a cost-effective and customizable solution to deliver virtual care. However, navigating the world of open-source software can be daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with the technical aspects.

This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps to confidently utilize open-source telehealth software in your practice.

Installation and Configuration

The installation process varies depending on the chosen software. Some platforms offer user-friendly installation guides or web-based deployments, while others might require technical expertise for server setup and configuration.

General steps:

  1. Download the software: Locate the official download page for your chosen platform.
  2. System requirements: Make sure that the computer you are using meets the minimum system requirements for smooth operation.
  3. Installation: Follow the provided instructions for installation, which might involve setting up databases or server configurations.
  4. Configuration: This stage typically involves customizing settings, creating user accounts, and integrating with existing systems.

Utilizing Open-Source Telehealth Software for Virtual Consultations

Once your software is up and running, you can leverage its features to conduct virtual consultations effectively. Here’s a basic workflow:

  1. Schedule Appointments: Utilize the built-in scheduling tool or integrate your existing appointment system for seamless patient booking.
  2. Virtual Waiting Room: Some platforms offer virtual waiting rooms where patients can be notified when the consultation begins.
  3. Telehealth Session: Initiate the video conference using the software’s video call functionality. Most platforms offer screen sharing capabilities for presentations or medical images.
  4. Consultation and Note Taking: Conduct the consultation as you would in-person, utilizing chat functionalities or document sharing features if available. Utilize the software’s note-taking tools to document the consultation and patient information securely.
  5. Follow-up and Prescriptions: Send follow-up instructions or e-prescriptions through the patient portal or secure messaging functionalities.

Benefits and Considerations of Open-Source Telehealth Software

Open-source telehealth software offers several advantages:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Eliminate licensing fees and ongoing subscription costs.
  • Customization: Tailor the platform to your specific workflows and integrate it seamlessly with existing systems.
  • Security: Open-source code allows for community-driven security improvements, potentially leading to robust security features.

However, there are also considerations to keep in mind:

  • Technical Expertise: Installation, configuration, and maintenance might require some technical knowledge or external IT support.
  • Limited Support: Vendor support might be limited compared to commercial software. You might rely on community forums or self-troubleshooting for issues.
  • Customization Requirements: Customization might require technical expertise to adapt the platform to your specific needs.

How to use Tebra Open Source Telemedicine Platforms?

While Tebra offers a comprehensive telemedicine suite, it’s important to understand that they don’t have a completely open-source platform. Tebra provides a freemium model with a limited open-source version and a paid subscription with more features. Here’s how to navigate using Tebra’s telemedicine functionalities:

1. Start with Tebra’s Website:

2. Freemium vs Paid Plans:

  • Explore the available plans. They likely have a limited free plan with basic features and paid subscriptions with more advanced functionalities.

3. Freemium Plan Limitations:

  • If opting for the free plan, be aware of limitations in features like appointment scheduling, patient communication tools, or video conferencing duration.

4. Installation (For Paid Plans):

  • Paid plans might involve installation processes. Tebra should provide clear instructions or support for setup.

5. General Workflow (Assuming some level of functionality in the free or paid plan):

  • User Accounts: Create user accounts for yourself and your staff within the platform.
  • Patient Management: Add patients to the system and manage their profiles.
  • Scheduling: Utilize the appointment scheduling tool (if available) to schedule virtual consultations.
  • Communication: Communicate with patients through the platform’s messaging features (if available).
  • Virtual Visits: Initiate video consultations using Tebra’s video conferencing functionality.
  • Documentation: Utilize the platform’s tools for taking notes and documenting patient consultations (if available).

Important Considerations:

  • Limited Features in Freemium: The free plan might have limitations in functionalities crucial for telemedicine, so assess your needs carefully.
  • Focus on Paid Plans: If serious about using Tebra for telemedicine, consider a paid plan for a more comprehensive feature set.
  • Technical Support: Tebra might offer varying levels of technical support depending on your chosen plan.

What is WebPT Platforms? Is this offers? Is it Open Source Telemedicine Platforms?

WebPT isn’t exactly a general telehealth platform, it caters specifically to rehabilitation therapists. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Focus: WebPT is a cloud-based electronic medical record (EMR) system designed for physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists.

  • Offerings: It goes beyond just records though, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for managing rehab therapy practices. This includes:

    • Telehealth capabilities: Conduct virtual consultations with patients remotely.
    • Patient education tools: Provide patients with educational resources and exercises.
    • Documentation management: Streamline documentation of patient progress notes, evaluations, and discharge summaries.
    • Scheduling and billing tools: Manage appointments, billing, and insurance claims efficiently.
    • Practice management features: Enhance overall clinic operations with features like patient communication tools and reporting functionalities.
  • Open-source: While WebPT offers a robust platform, it’s not technically open-source software. Open-source software typically allows for unrestricted access to the source code for customization. WebPT provides a commercial solution with its own pricing structure.

In essence, WebPT is a powerful platform designed to streamline operations and improve patient care specifically for rehabilitation therapists. It provides features like telehealth consultations alongside various practice management tools.

Utilizing HCW@Home Open-Source Telehealth Platform

HCW@Home stands out for prioritizing security and scalability in telemedicine. Here’s a breakdown on using this specific open-source platform:

Choosing HCW@Home

If security and scalability are your top priorities, HCW@Home is an excellent choice. It offers secure video conferencing, patient portals, and robust data encryption. However, keep in mind that some technical expertise might be required for setup and maintenance.

Getting Started

  1. Download: Head to the official HCW@Home website (information might be limited due to it being open-source). Look for download links or instructions.
  2. System Requirements: Make sure that the computer you are using meets the minimum system requirements for smooth operation. These specifications are likely to be available on the download page or the HCW@Home website.

Installation and Configuration (Technical Expertise Needed)

Here’s where things get a bit technical. HCW@Home might require some server setup and configuration expertise.

  1. Installation Guide: Look for an installation guide provided by HCW@Home. It might involve steps like setting up databases and configuring servers.
  2. Community Resources: HCW@Home likely has an online community forum where you can find help and resources during the installation process.

Running HCW@Home Telehealth Sessions

Once set up, you can leverage HCW@Home’s features for virtual consultations:

  1. Scheduling: HCW@Home might have a built-in scheduling tool, or you can integrate your existing appointment system for patient booking.
  2. Virtual Waiting Room: Check if HCW@Home offers a virtual waiting room feature to notify patients when consultations begin.
  3. Telehealth Session: Initiate video conferencing using HCW@Home’s video call functionality. Many platforms offer screen sharing for presentations or medical images.
  4. Consultation and Note Taking: Conduct the consultation as usual, utilizing chat functionalities or document sharing features if available. Utilize HCW@Home’s note-taking tools to document the consultation and patient information securely.
  5. Follow-up and Prescriptions: Send follow-up instructions or e-prescriptions through the patient portal or secure messaging functionalities (if available in HCW@Home).

How to use OpenEMR Open Source Telemedicine Platforms?

It’s important to clarify that OpenEMR itself isn’t a complete telemedicine platform. It’s an open-source Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system that can be a valuable tool for managing patient data in a telemedicine setting.

Here’s how OpenEMR integrates with telemedicine:

  • Third-party Integration: OpenEMR allows integration with external telemedicine platforms. This means you can use a separate telemedicine software for video conferencing and patient interactions, while leveraging OpenEMR for managing patient records, scheduling appointments, and storing medical history.

Here’s a general workflow for using OpenEMR alongside a telemedicine platform:

  1. Choose a Telemedicine Platform: Select a third-party telemedicine software that offers features like secure video conferencing, patient communication tools, and appointment scheduling. (Examples:, VSee)
  2. Integrate with OpenEMR: The specific steps for integration will vary depending on the telemedicine platform you choose. Some platforms might offer built-in integration tools, while others might require technical expertise or assistance from the software vendors.
  3. Schedule Appointments: Utilize OpenEMR’s appointment scheduling features to manage patient bookings for telemedicine consultations.
  4. Patient Interaction: During the scheduled appointment time, initiate the video call using your chosen telemedicine platform.
  5. Consultation and Note Taking: Conduct the consultation via video conferencing. Utilize OpenEMR to document the consultation details, patient notes, and any relevant medical information. The telemedicine platform might also offer note-taking features within the video call.
  6. Post-Consultation: Use OpenEMR to manage post-consultation tasks, such as sending prescriptions electronically, scheduling follow-up appointments, or documenting treatment plans.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Technical Expertise: Integrating OpenEMR with a telemedicine platform might require some technical knowledge or assistance from a developer, depending on the chosen platform’s integration complexity.
  • Data Security: Ensure both OpenEMR and your chosen telemedicine platform comply with HIPAA regulations to safeguard patient data privacy.
  • Workflow Optimization: Streamline your workflow by integrating appointment reminders, patient communication tools, and e-prescription functionalities offered by both OpenEMR and your telemedicine platform.

By effectively utilizing OpenEMR alongside a telemedicine platform, you can create a robust system for managing virtual consultations and patient care within your practice.

How to use Medstar HIS Open Source Telemedicine Platforms?

There seems to be a limited amount of information publicly available concerning using Medstar HIS specifically for its open-source telemedicine functionalities. Here’s why:

  1. Medstar HIS Focus: Medstar HIS is known primarily as a comprehensive hospital information system (HIS). Telemedicine might be a smaller module within the entire HIS suite, and it might not be offered as a standalone open-source product.

  2. Limited Public Information: Open-source software typically thrives on active online communities and readily available documentation. Since Medstar HIS caters to hospitals, information regarding its open-source components might be restricted or require specific access for security reasons.

Here are some alternative approaches to consider:

  • Contact Medstar HIS directly: Reach out to Medstar HIS for information on their open-source telemedicine offerings and how to access them. They might provide resources or specific instructions.

  • Explore Medstar HIS Documentation: If publicly available, Medstar HIS might offer documentation for its entire HIS suite, which could include a telemedicine module. Look for user manuals or installation guides that mention telemedicine functionalities.

  • Consider Alternative Open-Source Telehealth Platforms: As discussed previously, there are various open-source telehealth platforms readily available. Explore options like Tebra, HCW@Home, or OpenEMR with known telemedicine functionalities and follow the general installation and usage guides mentioned in the previous article on “How to use open source telehealth software?”

Utilizing GNU Health’s Open-Source Telemedicine Features

GNU Health stands out as a comprehensive open-source suite encompassing various healthcare applications, including a telemedicine module. Here’s a breakdown of using GNU Health’s telemedicine functionalities:


  • Functional GNU Health Installation: Ensure you have a working GNU Health installation on your server or computer. This might involve technical expertise or external IT support.
  • User Access and Permissions: You’ll need appropriate user accounts and permissions within GNU Health to access the telemedicine module.

Using the Telemedicine Module:

  1. Patient Management: Within GNU Health, utilize the patient management features to create patient profiles and manage their medical records.

  2. Appointment Scheduling: Schedule virtual consultations using GNU Health’s appointment scheduling tools. You can integrate these with existing scheduling systems for a streamlined workflow.

  3. Initiating Telehealth Sessions: GNU Health likely offers functionalities to initiate video conferencing with patients. Locate the specific video call function within the telemedicine module.

  4. Conducting Consultations: Once connected, conduct your virtual consultation as you would in-person. Utilize features like screen sharing for presentations or medical images, if available.

  5. Documentation and Follow-up: Document the consultation and patient information securely using GNU Health’s note-taking tools. Send follow-up instructions or e-prescriptions through the patient portal or secure messaging functionalities (if available within GNU Health).

Additional Considerations:

  • Customization: GNU Health allows for customization. However, this might require technical expertise to adapt the telemedicine module to your specific needs.
  • Community Resources: The GNU Health community offers valuable support. Utilize online forums or resources for troubleshooting, guidance, and best practices related to the telemedicine module.


Open source telemedicine platforms empower healthcare providers to deliver virtual care efficiently and securely. By carefully considering your needs and leveraging the options available, you can find the perfect platform to revolutionize your telemedicine practice.

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